Please be aware that new borrowing procedures for Book Club Kits are effective as of February 1, 2025.

A book club kit is a bag that contains 8 copies of a book for use by book clubs or groups who wish to read the same book at the same time.

Book club kits loan for 8 weeks. No renewals. The person borrowing the kit is responsible for ensuring that all 8 books contained in the Kit are returned together in the Kit’s bag and in good condition.

Patrons are restricted to borrowing 1 Book Club Kit at a time and must return a Kit in full before being able to sign out another. 

Missing or damaged books or bag will result in a replacement charge being placed on the borrower’s account, which may block the account from future borrowing privileges until either the books are returned, or the charge is paid.

A waiver acknowledging the responsibilities of borrowing a Book Club Kit must be signed at the point of check out.   

You can find our complete holdings of Book Club Kits here.  

Holds may be placed on Book Club Kits, but we are unable to guarantee a specific pick-up date for any Kit. Like other library materials, Kits are first-come, first-served.

Return all books in the bag provided to the Circulation Desk (please no drop box returns). A second kit may only be borrowed once the first kit has been returned. Due dates are firm as other clubs may be waiting.